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Big Bangs / FirstHand Puppetry Training Program

Spare Parts Puppet Theatre

Established in 2010 with assistance from the Ian Potter Foundation, FirstHand offers training in the creation of puppetry and interested applicants can apply to the program on an annual basis. The program has developed in response to the needs of the theatre sector to nurture established and emerging artists who are looking to transition or broaden their practice to include puppetry.


This year, FirstHanders will join a full-time training intensive in the last week of February 2019 with Leon Hendroff and Associate Director Michael Barlow. A four week engagement to create a short new devised performance in collaboration with Spare Parts Puppet Theatre follows.


Big Bangs

A history of the world in Bangs! What was the first big bang? Is technology today’s bangiest bang? Big Bangs is an hilarious clownish romp through the turbulent, accidental and unexpected moments of human history. Expect explosions, extinctions, laughter and a whole lot of silliness in this two-person puppetry slapstick. Running at a slick action packed twenty minutes this puppet package of joy is perfect for anyone wanting a quality performance that is perfect for the young and the young at heart.

Engagement dates:

February 25 - March 2019

S​pare Parts Puppet Theatre


Click for more information about

S​pare Parts Puppet Theatre


Big Bangs runs for

20 mins



Artistic Director

Philip Mitchell


Associate Director

Michael Barlow


Workshop Facilitators

Michael Barlow

Leon Hendroff


FirstHand Trainees

Timothy Green

Noemie Huttner-Koros

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